Easy Spanish Phrases

Although you can get along well in Playa del Carmen without speaking any Spanish, it's much more fun if you try! The locals will appreciate your efforts and are always eager to help you. Plus, if you want to venture off of 5th Avenue and try some of the more "local" restaurants, basic Spanish will be necessary. There is a Spanish food glossary in the condo (in the white binder) that you can use to help you understand a menu in Spanish.
The following phrases are fun to use during your vacation in Mexico.
The following phrases are fun to use during your vacation in Mexico.
Hello Hola (pronounced Ola)
Good morning Buenos dias
Good afternoon Buenas tardes
Good evening Buenas noches
Good-bye Adios
Please Por favor
Thank you Gracias
You’re welcome De nada
What is your name? Como se llama (pronounced yama)?
My name is _____ Me llamo ________. (Do not say “is”)
Nice to meet you Mucho gusto (moocho goosto)
I’m sorry Lo siento
Check, please La quenta, por favor
Where is a bathroom? Donde esta un bano (pronounced banyo)
Two more, please Dos mas, por favor
No more No mas
Do you speak English? Habla English?
I don’t understand No entiendo
Yes Si (pronounced see)
No No
How are you? Como esta?
Answers: Fine Bien
Fine, thanks Bien, gracias
See you later Hasta luego
Good morning Buenos dias
Good afternoon Buenas tardes
Good evening Buenas noches
Good-bye Adios
Please Por favor
Thank you Gracias
You’re welcome De nada
What is your name? Como se llama (pronounced yama)?
My name is _____ Me llamo ________. (Do not say “is”)
Nice to meet you Mucho gusto (moocho goosto)
I’m sorry Lo siento
Check, please La quenta, por favor
Where is a bathroom? Donde esta un bano (pronounced banyo)
Two more, please Dos mas, por favor
No more No mas
Do you speak English? Habla English?
I don’t understand No entiendo
Yes Si (pronounced see)
No No
How are you? Como esta?
Answers: Fine Bien
Fine, thanks Bien, gracias
See you later Hasta luego